Float Remedy cures constipation
Float remedy eliminates symptoms caused by constipation, such as floating aimlessly, or floating at the surface, bobbing and flipping over
Made from a combination of organic herbs, this remedy works as a gentle laxative, cleansing the intestinal tract
Safe for all fish and their environment
Price includes free priority shipping in US
Feed your fish less more often to avoid digestion issues
The swim bladder organ is connected to the intestinal tract by a small tube where Co2 is exchanged. When the fish wants to rise, the bladder fills, and when it wants to sink, the gas is expelled back into the tract. If the tract slows or becomes blocked, gas becomes trapped in the bladder, causing the fish to lose control and float upwards
Learn more by reading The Organic Fish
Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f
Instructions for use
For in house treatment
Perform a 20% water change with each treatment
Exchange only 5% of tank or pond water at one time if nitrates are present
Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in fresh treated water
Use water treatment if chloramines are present
Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment. Repeat as needed
Keep solution refrigerated, and discard after six weeks