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CBD Remedy

CBD remedy

CBD Remedy relieves stress

Symptoms; stress or anxiety, loss of appetite due to depression or disease, high blood pressure, listlessness, depression or grief

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Buy CBD Remedy now

Stimulates appetite, and reduces stress

Relieves trauma caused by illness or disease

Improves cardiovascular system

Reduces blood pressure

Learn how to keep fish naturally by reading The Organic Fish

Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f

Instructions for use
Perform a 20% water change with each full treatment, or add to one quart of tank water to dilute

Exchange only 5% of tank or pond water at a time if nitrates are present

Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in fresh treated water
Use water treatment if chloramines are present

Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment

Repeat as needed

Keep solution refrigerated, and discard after six weeks


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Mean Green Remedy

Mean Green Remedy tof

Mean Green Remedy repairs red blood cells

Relieves symptoms of nitrite and nitrate poisoning: bottom sitting, pressed to bottom, lack of appetite, curled or bent position, red veining in tail fin or body

Boost immunity and improves general health; balances hormones; detoxifies blood and improves organ function and helps restore the blood’s ability to support oxygen

Prices include free priority shipping in US

Buy Mean Green Remedy now

Chlorophyll has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level and is known to help cleanse the body, fight infection, help heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune, and detoxification systems

Nitrite and nitrate poisoning Cousins, nitrites and nitrates both rob the blood of oxygen. Created during the nitrogen cycle, nitrite is converted from ammonia and then into nitrates by beneficial bacteria. In a cycled fish house, nitrates are always present, but our fish can only tolerate low amounts; 10 to 30 ppm. Nitrites should test at zero unless a spike has occurred or the cycle in progress. Healthy fish cannot tolerate any level of nitrite, but can tolerate low levels of nitrates

Fish suffering from nitrite or nitrate issues may benefit from salted water. Chloride in salt improves gill function, which helps the fish get increased levels of oxygen. Salt also makes water dense, which makes it heavier, which helps relieve the pressure caused by nitrates. The  Sea Salt Remedy may be combined safely with the Mean Green Remedy

Fish that have suffered from nitrate poisoning cannot tolerate shallow water as the pressure caused by the toxin is relieved by the pressure created by deep water. Perform small and frequent water changes to reduce nitrate levels, keeping the water table as high as possible

Learn all about the nitrogen cycle by reading The Organic Fish

Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f

Instructions for use
Perform a total of 20% water change with each treatment, exchanging only 5% at one time if nitrates are present

Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in fresh treated water
Use water treatment if chloramines are present

Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment. Repeat as needed

Keep solution refrigerated, and discard after six weeks


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Float Remedy

Float Remedy tof

Float Remedy cures constipation

Float remedy eliminates symptoms caused by constipation, such as floating aimlessly, or floating at the surface, bobbing and flipping over

Made from a combination of organic herbs, this remedy works as a gentle laxative, cleansing the intestinal tract

Safe for all fish and their environment

Price includes free priority shipping in US

Buy Float Remedy

Feed your fish less more often to avoid digestion issues

The swim bladder organ is connected to the intestinal tract by a small tube where Co2 is exchanged. When the fish wants to rise, the bladder fills, and when it wants to sink, the gas is expelled back into the tract. If the tract slows or becomes blocked, gas becomes trapped in the bladder, causing the fish to lose control and float upwards

Learn more by reading The Organic Fish

Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f

Instructions for use

For in house treatment
Perform a 20% water change with each treatment

Exchange only 5% of tank or pond water at one time if nitrates are present

Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in fresh treated water
Use water treatment if chloramines are present

Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment. Repeat as needed

Keep solution refrigerated, and discard after six weeks


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Digestive Health Therapy

digestive health

Digestive Health Therapy improves digestion

Digestive Health Therapy clears an impacted tract, promotes the formation of beneficial bacteria in the tract, while destroying bad bacteria and internal parasites. The end result is a fast moving, healthy tract

Reduces inflammation in the digestive tract

Fish that have long suffered from digestive issues or floating disorders develop bad bacteria in a slow moving or scarred tract

Price includes free priority shipping in US

Buy Digestive Health Therapy

Remedy combines garlic, mint, chlorophyll and aloe Vera; can be administered orally for immediate aid or added to gel food to assist in eliminating constipation

Learn everything you can about your fish by reading The Organic Fish

Instructions for use

Add one ounce to gel food recipe to enhance properties and benefits

To administer orally, lift the fish’s head above the surface, and in a moment it will gasp, giving you a chance to administer the solution

Using the enclosed eye dropper, push tip into the throat, past the gills and squeeze gently

Administer 1/2 dropper per inch of goldfish body once daily for three days as full treatment, and or add to gel food mix

Optimum water temperature for treatment is 72f

Store at room temperature


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Health Tonic Remedy

Health Tonic Remedy tof

Health Tonic Remedy to Boost immunity

Boosts immune system, cleanses blood and improves organ function 

Improves health of fish and the environment they live in

Price includes free priority shipping in US

Buy Health Tonic Remedy now

Blend of five organic herbs make up this amazing health tonic. Excellent preventative for disease and sickness

Learn everything you can about your fish by reading The Organic Fish

Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f

Instructions for use
Perform a 20% water change with each treatment

Exchange only 5% of tank or pond water at one time if nitrates are present

Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in fresh treated water
Use water treatment if chloramines are present

Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment. Repeat as needed

Keep solution refrigerated, and discard after six weeks


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Sea Salt and Garlic Remedy

Sea Salt & Garlic Remedy tof

Sea Salt and Garlic Remedy is a power house

Symptoms; white cloud in water, external parasites, cotton fungus, oxygen deprivation

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Buy Sea Salt and Garlic Remedy

Sea Salt and Garlic combined is a powerful combination. This remedy improves gill function, restores slime coat, destroys bad bacteria, parasites and fungus. Safe to use in cycled fish houses

Contains three types of natural sea salts that include include calcium, chloride, iron,magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium

Garlic is an anti inflammatory, improves heart function, antioxidant, destroys cancer cells and is a natural antibiotic, improves general health

Improve the ecosystem your fish live in by reading The Organic Fish

Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f

Instructions for use
Perform a 20% water change with each daily dose

Exchange only 5% of tank or pond water at a time if nitrates are present

Use water treatment if chloramines are present

Premix one ounce in freshwater or per 10 gallons of fish house water with water change

To give fish a bath, pull one gallon of fish house water, add 1 tablespoon of solution
1 to 5 minute bathing time

Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment. Repeat in three weeks to eliminate parasites


Keep solution refrigerated and discard after six weeks

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Sea Salt Remedy

Sea Salt Remedy tof

Sea Salt Remedy restores slime coat

Sea Salt Remedy improves gill function, restores slime coat, destroys bad bacteria, parasites and fungus

Price includes free priority shipping in US

Buy Sea Salt Remedy

Contains three types of natural sea salts that include include calcium, chloride, iron,magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium

Bad bugs Symptoms; white cloud in water, scratching or flashing, cotton like fungus on fish or decorations, missing scales, shredded fins

Parasites must be introduced into the environment, whereas bad bacteria forms when conditions are right. Both are discouraged in water that is cold, oxygenated and rich in mineral value. Learn how to create a healthy ecosystem by reading The Organic Fish

Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f

Instructions for use
Perform a 20% water change with each treatment

Exchange only 5% of tank or pond water at one time if nitrates are present

Use water treatment if chloramines are present

Premix one ounce in freshwater or per 10 gallons of fish house water with water change for in house tonic or treatment

To give fish a bath, pull one gallon of fish house water, add 1 ounce of solution, and stir vigorously before placing fish in bath
1 to 3 minute bathing time

Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment. Repeat in three weeks

Salt should never be used consistently or bad bugs will build immunity


Learn more about Salting our Fish

Keep solution refrigerated  and discard after six weeks


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Oop Boost

Oop Boost tof

Oop Boost increases pH levels

OZONE oxygenation

Oop Boost increases pH by raising oxygen levels without increasing alkalinity

Relieves symptoms of low oxygen deprivation that include; reddened gills, gasping at surface, overworking mouth and gills, fungus, missing scales, shredded fins

Potential of hydrogen, pH measures oxygen and carbonate mineral (KH) value combined. In most cases of oxygen deprivation, KH value is at safe levels, however, oxygen levels are low due to enclosed tank or poor water movement. KH, and KH alone is responsible for alkalinity, giving water the ability to support the oxygen molecule. Some fish prefer water closer to the neutral zone or even acidic, but all fish and the environment they live in benefit from living in oxygenated water

Oop Boost oxygenates water instantly, improving the overall environment

Reverses pH crash by oxygenating water instantly

Discourages the formation of bad bacteria, fungus

Discourages the reproduction of external parasites

Learn how to oxygenate your fish house water by reading The Organic Fish

Safe for saltwater and freshwater fish

Price includes free priority shipping in US

Buy Oop Boost

Oop Boost does not eliminate chloramines

Optimum temperature for treatment is 72f

If your fish is exhibiting symptoms of oxygen deprivation, push a pitcher deep into the water filling it. Pour it back in, and repeat process several times to remove Co2, a gas created by the waste your fish produce. Carbon dioxide takes up space, keeping oxygen from entering. If pH is still low, test KH value. Various types of freshwater fish require various pH levels. Search online to find information

Instructions for eliminating chlorine

Premix 1/2 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in freshwater; mix well

Boost pH

First treatment: Begin by performing a 5% water change
(Use water treatment if chloramines are present)

Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in freshwater, and mix well

Add to fish house

Instructions for Ozone Therapy

First treatment: Begin by performing a 5% water change
(Use water treatment if chloramines are present)

Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in freshwater, and mix well

Add to fish house

Wait 4 to 6 hours before performing second treatment

Second treatment: Pull one gallon of fish house water, premix 1 ounce of solution (per 20 gallons of fish house water) in water, and mix well

Add to fish house

Wait 4 to 6 hours before performing third treatment

Third treatment: Pull one gallon of fish house water, premix 1 ounce of solution (per 40 gallons of fish house water) in water, and mix well

Add to fish house

Repeat entire treatment plan daily as needed until water is properly oxygenated

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Mint Medley Remedy

Mint Medley tof

Mint medley to improve general health

Symptoms; fungus, missing scales, shredded fins, injury or sickness; destroys bad bacteria and fungus
improves general health

Mint acts as an anti-microbial in various types of bacteria and destroys common internal and external parasites.  Mint heals external injuries, aids in digestion and reduces stress

Price includes free priority shipping in US

Buy Mint Medley Remedy now


Bad bacteria infection symptoms; missing scales frayed fins abscesses or fungus

Caused by warm water low in oxygen. Learn how to create a healthy ecosystem by reading The Organic Fish

Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f

Instructions for use
Perform a 20% water change with each treatment

Exchange only 5% at a time if nitrates are present

Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in fresh treated water
Use water treatment if chloramines are present

Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment. Repeat as needed

Keep solution refrigerated, and discard after six weeks


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Garlic Remedy

Garlic Remedy tof

Garlic Remedy natural antibiotic

Symptoms; frayed fins, missing scales, external parasites, rubbing on substrate or decorations, darting through water, bad bacteria infection, white cloud in fish house water, warts or tumors, internal parasites

Price includes free priority shipping in US

Buy Garlic Remedy now

Destroys parasites, bad bacteria and fungus

Garlic is an anti inflammatory, improves heart function, antioxidant, destroys cancer cells and is a natural antibiotic, improves general health

Detoxifies blood, Reduces blood pressure, Blood thinner

Learn how to keep fish naturally by reading The Organic Fish

Optimum temperature for treatment is 70f to 72f

Instructions for use
Perform a 20% water change with each treatment

Exchange only 5% of tank or pond water at a time if nitrates are present

Premix 1 ounce of solution (per 10 gallons of fish house water) in fresh treated water
Use water treatment if chloramines are present

Perform 1 day as a tonic or 3 consecutive days as full treatment. Repeat in three weeks

Repeat in 2 to 3 weeks to destroy bad bacteria or parasites

Keep solution refrigerated, and discard after six weeks


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